Thursday, September 14, 2017

Social Media Changes The World

An online information aggregate specializing in academic communications programs recently compiled a set of statistics on how the Internet has changed the world in which we live and some of these numbers might surprise you. 

Like the introduction of the automobile or the aviation industry, the impact of the web on every aspect of our daily lives is undeniable, whether you surf cyberspace or make it a point not to. 

For example, according to the report, the website Pinterest now enjoys 5 million stays at home moms as members to its website, making it the modern day quilting bee for the maternal set.  

They also report that YouTube now enjoys over 1 trillion video views per year that's 140 YouTube views over a 12 month period, per person currently on earth. The research reminds us that there are 2,405, 518,376 Internet users-566% more than were recorded in the year 2000. 

In the recent self-described “Arab Spring,” Twitter was overwhelmed with tweets about the Egyptian revolution, growing from 2,300 tweets on the subject a month before Murabak resigned to 230,000 tweets the day he left office. 

In Tunisia, the number of bloggers covering the political situation there moved from just 5% a month before their revolution to 20% of all Tunisian bloggers the day their President, Ben Al, fled the country. 

With sites like Instagram posting more than 40 million photographs per day, any event anywhere in the world now can be a news story-or in some social circles, a photographic record of what one had for dinner. 

While the days of print media may be numbered, our willingness and ability to communicate with our neighbor, whether across the street or on another continent, continues to grow. 

Clearly, for any small to midsize business hoping to spread the word about their product or service, social media, and the search engines are now the means by which success is grasped.


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